5.7 How to register as a new user for printix App

Only some of these methods may have been enabled by your administrator:

Register with your Microsoft account

  1. Select Sign in with Microsoft.
    If you are already signed in to the browser with your work or school account, then you are signed in automatically.
  2. On the Microsoft Sign in page:
    • Enter your work or school account name. Accounts like (yourname)@(company).microsoftonline.com, can NOT be used.
    • Enter Password.
  3. Select Sign in.
  4. Printix will ask you for permission to:
    • View your basic profile.
    • Sign in as you.
    • Sign you in and read your profile.
  1. Select Accept to grant these permissions.
    You are automatically registered and receive the email: “Get started with Printix …”

If you registered with your email address, then select Sign in with email and enter your email address and password.

Register with your Google Workspace account

  1. Select Sign in with Google.
    If you are already signed in to the browser with your work or school account, then you are signed in automatically.
  2. On the Google Sign in page:
    • Enter your work or school account name.
    • Enter Password.
  3. Select Sign in.
    You are automatically registered and receive the email: “Get started with Printix …”

If you registered with your email address, then select Sign in with email and enter your email address and password.

Register with your network username and password.

  1. On the Sign in page:
    • Enter Username.
    • Enter Password.
  2. Select Sign in.
    You are automatically registered and receives the email: “Get started with Printix …”

Self-registration by email

  1. Open a web browser and enter the Printix Home (acme.printix.net).
  2. On the Sign in page select Menu  in the top right corner.
  3. Select Register 
    • Self-registration is also possible from the Printix Client Sign in page.
  1. On the Register page:
    • Enter Email.
  2. Select Register.
    An email is sent to you.
  3. Read the email: “Welcome to Printix at …” and select Get started.
    If you do not see the email within a few minutes then check your spam/junk mail folder.
  4. On the Activate your print account page:
    • Enter your Full name.
    • Enter Password.
  5. Select Activate.

Get invited by email

  1. Contact someone with an administrative role and ask to be Invited by email:
    An email is sent to you.
  2. Read the email: “Welcome to Printix at …” and select Get started.
    If you do not see the email within a few minutes then check your spam/junk mail folder.
  3. On the Activate your print account page:
    • Enter your Full name.
    • Enter Password.
  4. Select Activate.
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