Printix flexible user manual

This manual is for users and explains Printix flexible, secure and mobile printing. If you are an administrator, then please see: Printix Administrator Manual.

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Administrator manual

  • Printix Administrator Manual
    Describes how it works, how to configure it, and the features.
    • Authentication with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD).
    • Deployment via MSI file and Microsoft Endpoint Manager.
    • Citrix and Remote Desktop Services (RDS).
    • Management of print drivers.

About this manual

This manual is for users and is organized as follows:

  1. Introduction
    Introduces Printix, and describes how this manual is organized.
  2. Printing with Printix
    Describes how to print.
  3. Printix App
    Describes the menus and pages of the document release app.
  4. Printix Client
    Describes the menus and dialogs of Printix Client and how to install it.
  5. How to
    Easy-to-follow step-by-step procedures.
  6. FAQ
    Contains answers to some of the questions frequently asked by users.
  7. Error messages
    Read about possible error cause and solution.
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