How to obtain the e-mail header information via Outlook Web App (OWA) to submit a phishing e-mail report to the ITS Help Desk for processing.
In order for our e-mail filters to get updated, Information Technology Services needs to have some vital information from the original phishing message. Simply forwarding the message to the Help Desk does not provide this information. Here is how to obtain the "Source" and submit it to the Help Desk.
This documentation is for the Outlook Web App (OWA), not the desktop client. If you are using the desktop client, refer to the documents linked below.
1. Select the e-mail you wish to get message details from.
2. Click the down arrow to the right of REPLY ALL.
3. Select View message details.
4. Message details will appear in a pop up, like shown below. Highlight and copy the details.
5. Click Close to return to the e-mail.
6. Select Forward. Explain that you are reporting a suspicious e-mail and paste the message details into the body. Leave the original message intact below.
7. Address the e-mail to the ITS Help Desk at and Send. This information allows our system admins to block dangerous content at the campus firewall.
8. Once more, select the suspicious message in your Inbox and right-click to produce an options menu.
9. Select Mark as junk. This helps Office 365 to recognize the sender and block future messages. The message will automatically be sent to Deleted Items.