I didn't receive an email someone sent to my account

If someone sent an email to your Office365 account but you can't find it. If the message never arrived, there are several things you can do to try to fix the problem:

  Check your Junk Email folder

In your Outlook.com folder list, choose the Junk Email folder and look for the missing email.

If there are messages that shouldn't have been marked as junk, right-click each email and then choose Mark as not junk. The message will automatically be moved to your inbox.

Check email forwarding

Check if email forwarding is enabled.

  1. Go to Forwarding settings.

  2. To enable forwarding, select Enable forwarding. To disable forwarding, clear the check box.

    If you want email to go to the forwarding address and stay in your Outlook.com mailbox, select Keep a copy of forwarded messages.

If you've set up another email account to forward to your Outlook.com inbox, make sure forwarding hasn't expired and is properly set up. Check with your other email services support for more information.

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