Move users to a different subscription


If you have more than one subscription, and you have users who already have a license for one subscription, but you want to move them to another subscription, you can replace their existing license with a different one.



Use the admin center (preview) to move users to a different subscription


The preview is available to all Microsoft 365 admins, you can opt in by selecting Try the preview toggle located at the top of the Home page. 



In the admin center, go to the Users > Active users  page.

  1. Select the circles next to the names of the users for whom you want to replace existing licenses.
  2. At the top, choose Manage product licenses.
  3. In the Manage product licenses pane, choose Replace existing product license assignmentsNext.
  4. Switch the toggle to the On position for the licenses you want to assign to these users.
    -To limit which services are available to the users, switch the toggles to the Off position for the services that you don't want that users to have. Any previous license assignments for the selected users will be removed.
  5. At the bottom of the Replace existing products pane, choose Replace > Close.


Use the old admin center to move users to a different subscription



  1. In the admin center, go to the Users > Active users page.
  2. Select the boxes next to the names of the users for whom you want to replace existing licenses.
  3. In the Bulk actions pane, choose Edit product licenses.
  4. In the Assign products pane, choose Replace existing product license assignments > Next.
  5. Switch the toggle to the On position for the licenses you want to assign to these users.
    - To limit which services are available to the users, switch the toggles to the Off position for the services that you don't want that users to have. Any previous license assignments for the selected users will be removed.
  6. At the bottom of the Replace existing products pane, choose Replace > Close > Close.
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