How to cancel a subscription

If you added your own domain name to use with your subscription, you must remove the domain before you cancel your subscription.

Use the new admin center to cancel your subscription

The new admin center is available to all Microsoft 365 admins. You can opt in by selecting the Try the new admin center toggle located at the top of the Home page.

  1. In the admin center, go to the Billing > Products & services page.

  2. Find the subscription that you want to cancel, and under Settings & Actions, select Cancel subscription.

  3. Review the important dates, provide feedback about why you are cancelling, then select Cancel subscription.

    Your subscription now appears in a Disabled state, and has reduced functionality until it's deleted.

Use the old admin center to cancel your subscription

  1. In the admin center, go to the Billing > Subscriptions page.

  2. On the Subscriptions page, select a subscription.

  3. From the More actions menu, select Cancel subscription.

  4. Review the important dates, provide feedback about why you are cancelling, then select Cancel subscription.

    Your subscription now appears in a Disabled state, and has reduced functionality until it's deleted.

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