When OneDrive is trying to upload files, you may notice one or multiple files stuck trying to sync. If it's taking a long time, relocating the files in question temporarily can help to resolve the problem.
To move files out of the OneDrive folder, use these steps:
1.Click the OneDrive button in the bottom-right corner.
2. Click the More option.
3. Click the Pause syncing option.
4. Select the 2 hours option.
- 5.Open the OneDrive folder with File Explorer.
- 6. Select the conflicting files.
- 7. Click the Move to button in the "Home" tab.
8. Select the folder that you want to move the files temporarily.
- 9. Click the OneDrive button in the bottom-right corner.
- 10. Click the More option.
11. Click the Resume syncing option.
- 12. Open the with the files that you relocated earlier.
- 13. Select the files, and click the Move to button.
14. Click the Choose location option.
- 15. Select the OneDrive folder.
16. Click the Move button.
After you complete the steps, the files should sync to your OneDrive account successfully.