How to add a domain to Office 365


You can only add custom domains to a business or enterprise plan.

  1. In the Admin center, go to the Domains page, or choose Setup > Domains.

  2. Choose Add domain.

  3. Enter the name of the domain you want to add, then choose Next.

  4. Choose how you want to verify that you own the domain.    

    1. If your domain is registered at GoDaddy or 1&1, choose Sign in and Office 365 will set up your records automatically.

    2. You can have an email sent to the registered contact for the domain with a verification code. If you don't recognize or have access to the email on record, you can use option 3.

    3. You can use a TXT record to verify your domain. Select this and choose Next to see instructions for how to add this DNS record to your registrar's website. This can take up to 30 minutes to verify after you've added the record.

  5. Choose how you want to make the DNS changes required for Office to use your domain.

      1. Choose Add the DNS records for me if you want Office to configure your DNS automatically.
    1. Choose I'll add the DNS records myself if you want to attach only specific Office 365 services to your domain or if you want to skip this for now and do this later.

                Choose this option if you know exactly what you're doing.

  6. If you chose to add DNS records yourself , choose Next and you'll see a page with all the records that you need to add to your registrars website to set up your domain.


  7. Click Finish - you're done!
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