This article covers:
- What is an MX Record?
- How do I edit/add my MX Records?
- Troubleshooting
What is an MX Record?
Mail Exchanger (MX) Records are a type of Advanced DNS record that are necessary for delivering email to your email address. Unlike Address (A) Records, MX Records point to a server, not an IP address.
If your domain has more than one MX record, the mailer has to determine which record to use first. When you create an MX record, most DNS hosting providers require you to set the priority number. The lower the number means a higher priority, and sets the order in which the records are used.
Host Name
This is the name of the record. Your domain name will automatically be appended to the end. If you enter "@" it will simply be replaced with the root domain (such as,
Value (Goes To)
This is the server name to which the MX record will point.
TTL (Time To Live)
The TTL sets the amount of time in seconds for the record to stay cached before retrieving it again. The default TTL is 3600, which is approximately one hour. Lowering the TTL of a new record will not decrease the amount of time it takes for the record to update.
How do I edit/add my MX Records?
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
Step 1.
Login to your Basehost account and select Domain Manager.
Step 2.
Click directly on your domain name to access the domain editing page.
Step 3.
On the domain editing page, select the DNS tab.
Scroll down to Manage Advanced DNS Records and click on New Advanced DNS Manager.
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
Step 4.
To add an MX record, click the button to Add New Record.
Step 5.
Set the Record Type as MX, and fill in the Alias and Points To fields as instructed by your hosting service provider. You can leave the TTL as it is. Click the green button to Save.
To edit an existing MX record, click the Edit button update the Alias and/or Points To field, as instructed by your hosting service provider.
You can leave the TTL as it is. Make sure that under Host field you have your root domain (such as, Click the green button to Save.
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
My email stopped working!
If your CNAME record alias is a root domain (such as, rather than or it will block your Mail Exchanger (MX) record from being expressed. Your CNAME records should not be a root domain.