
  1. Post Types: Choose where Elementor can be used
  2. Disable Default Colors: Choose whether to use your theme's color settings or let Elementor control it
  3. Disable Default Fonts: Choose whether to use your theme's typography settings or let Elementor control it
  4. Improve Elementor > Usage Data Tracking: By enabling this, you will help us learn about the way you are using Elementor and help us improve


  1. Default Generic Fonts: Choose a default fallback font
  2. Content Width: Set a default width for your content area
  3. Space Between Widgets: Set the space between widgets
  4. Stretched Section Fit to: Choose the parent element to which stretched elements will fit
  5. Page Title Selector: If you want to hide your page title, enter its CSS selector here
  6. Tablet Breakpoint: Set the breakpoint between desktop and tablet devices. Below this breakpoint, tablet layout will appear (Default: 1025px)
  7. Mobile Breakpoint: Set the breakpoint between tablet and mobile devices. Below this breakpoint, mobile layout will appear (Default: 768px)
  8. Image Light box: Check to open all image links that have set Media File as the “link to” in a lightbox popup window


The Integrations settings allow you to optionally connect Elementor with 3rd-party APIs as needed.

  1. reCAPTCHA: reCAPTCHA is a free service by Google that protects your website from spam and abuse. Paste your reCAPTCHA Site Key and Secret Key here
  2. reCAPTCHA v3: reCAPTCHA v3 is a free service by Google that protects your website from spam and abuse. Paste your reCAPTCHA Site Key and Secret Key here and enter your Score Threshold. The Score threshold should be a value between 0 and 1. The default is 0.5
  3. Facebook SDK: Facebook SDK lets you connect to your dedicated application so you can track the Facebook Widgets analytics on your site. Enter your APP ID here
  4. Mailchimp: Enter your API Key and then click the Validate API Key button to integrate Mailchimp with Elementor’s Form widget
  5. Drip: Enter your API Token and then click the Validate API Token button to integrate Drip with Elementor’s   widget
  6. ActiveCampaign: Enter your API Key and API URL and then click the Validate API Key button to integrate ActiveCampaign with Elementor’s   widget
  7. GetResponse: Enter your API Key and then click the Validate API Key button to integrate GetResponse with Elementor’s   widget
  8. ConvertKit: Enter your API Key and then click the Validate API Key button to integrate ConvertKit with Elementor’s   widget
  9. MailerLite: Enter your API Key and then click the Validate API Key button to integrate MailerLite with Elementor’s   widget
  10. TypeKit: Integrates TypeKit’s thousands of fonts into Elementor. Enter your TypeKitProject ID and then click the Get Project ID button
  11. Font Awesome Pro: Enter your Font Awesome Pro Kit ID and then click the Validate Kit ID button


  1. CSS Print Method: Choose if your CSS will be included as an independent stylesheet (recommended) or on each page
  2. Switch Editor Loader Method: In cases of server configuration conflicts, enable this option*
  3. Editing Handles: Show or hide editing handles when hovering over the element’s edit button


  • Switch Editor Loader Method is useful in solving the "err_content_decoding_failed" and err_empty_response" issues that sometimes occur. Enabling this option helps users running sites on servers with low resources which have difficulty reading long JSON code. When enabled, the tool splits the lines so that these servers can read the JSON code without issues. Switching to this method won't negatively affect performance. Instead, it will likely improve performance. This tool can also be useful sometimes in solving the white screen of death.

  1. Enable SVG Uploads: Enable or disable the ability to upload SVG files. Please note! Allowing uploads of any files (SVG included) is a potential security risk. Elementor will try to sanitize the SVG files, removing potential malicious code and scripts, however, we recommend you only enable this feature if you understand the security risks involved.
  2. Load Font Awesome 4 Support: Choose Yes or No. Font Awesome 4 support script (shim.js) is a script that makes sure all previously selected Font Awesome 4 icons are displayed correctly while using Font Awesome 5 library.

Please note! 

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