WordPress Menu is blank

For those who use WordPress on a daily basis you will likely not have this issue, but if you are very new to WordPress or you used WordPress a few years ago and just getting back it you might be confused as to why your menu is blank when you install the theme.

Missing Menu Error Solution

The default WordPress theme has a fallback for the WordPress menu in case there isn’t any setup, however, not all theme developers have added this to their own themes.

To make sure your menus are working, head over to Appearance > Menu to setup your menu.

  1. Make sure you have a menu. If you don’t, you’ll need to create one.
  2. Make sure the menu is assigned to a location. Below your menu you should see “Display Locations” – these are the menu areas built into your theme. Some themes may only have one main menu location, others might have tons of locations. Just be sure to check the option for where you want your menu to appear then save.
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