1. Automatically Expire Sticky Posts
If you are using sticky posts to highlight a special event or coupon, then you will need to unstick the post once that event is over.
This sounds like unnecessary work that you should automate.
Simply install and activate the Expire Sticky Posts plugin. Upon activation, you can set expiry date for sticky posts.
After the expiry date, your sticky post will automatically become a normal post. For detailed instructions take a look at our tutorial (with video) on how to set expiration date for sticky posts in WordPress.
2. Sticky Posts for Categories
By default, sticky posts only appear on the front-page of your site. But what if you wanted to display featured content on your category archive pages?
You can do that by installing and activating the Category Sticky Post plugin. Upon activation, edit a post that you want to feature and select the sticky post category.
3. Display Latest Sticky Posts
Typically sticky posts are used for featured posts to display your most prominent content. But after a while your old featured posts disappear under the archives. You can bring back your old featured content to life by showing them on custom archives page or anywhere else on your site.
Simply paste this code in your theme’s functions.php file or a site-specific WordPress plugin.
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
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